add-circle-bold add-circle add-square add alarm-bell-1 alert-diamond analytics-pie-2 archive archive arrow-down-1 arrow-down-2 arrow-left-1 arrow-right-1 arrow-up-1 attachment-1 bin-paper-1 book-star button-record check-1 check-circle-1 close close-quote close cog-1 cog common-file-stack copy-paste credit-card-1 diagram-fall-down disable time-clock-midnight download-thick-bottom drawer-send envelope-letter envelope-letter expand-6 expand-6 file-code filter-1 floppy-disk flying-insect-honey folder-file-1 headphones-customer-support hierarchy-9 hyperlink-2 information-circle keyboard-arrow-down keyboard-arrow-up layout-module-1 list-bullets lock-2 lock-unlock-1 love-it messages-bubble-square move-to-top multiple-circle multiple-neutral-1 multiple-users-1 navigation-menu-horizontal navigation-menu network-browser open-quote pencil-1 pencil-write pencil-1 print-text rating-star rating-star remove-circle remove-square-1 search send-email-1 shield-warning single-neutral-actions single-neutral smiley-sad-1 smiley-unhappy smiley-indifferent smiley-smile-1_1 smiley-happy smiley-sad-1 smiley-unhappy smiley-indifferent smiley-happy smiley-thrilled social-media-twitter synchronize-arrows-1 tags-double ticket-1 ticket-1 time-clock-circle undo view-1 view-off view wench

How secure is my data in your 1CRM Cloud Service? Can I access the service using HTTPS?

Yes, you can access your 1CRM Cloud service using either HTTPS or HTTP. The HTTPS capability (HTTP over SSL or TLS) is made possible by a self-generated certificate installed on each 1CRM Cloud instance by default. If you prefer, you can install your own commercial certificate instead.
Your browser will need to support a feature called Server Name Indication (SNI) to access your 1CRM Cloud Service via HTTPS. A commercial wildcard certificate for the entire 1CRM Cloud is available for browsers that do not support Server Name Indication (SNI) – primarily the Internet Explorer browser on Windows XP.
As well, you can perform regular backups of your 1CRM Cloud system, using SSH, FTP, or simply to Dropbox! Using backup, your data as well as all the 1CRM software will be saved to the location of your choice. We hope this provides added confidence to those still wary of the Cloud!